Adding to the Equation
Join us, Kirk Keating and Michelle McCarron, as we add to the equation to share with you what teaching and learning mathematics sounds like. With inspiration from our math hero’s, we are echoing some important messages about teaching and learning mathematics. We want to invite you to learn alongside us in our math journey so that we can all grow as math learners. We interview some of our math hero's and take a deep and reflective dive towards creating the best learning environment possible for our students with lots of learning along the way. If you are interested in teaching and learning mathematics then this podcast is for you.
Adding to the Equation
Episode 5: Cultivating Equitable & Inclusive Learning Communities in Mathematics with Maggie MacPhee
We talk with Maggie MacPhee, a Math Lover, Board Gamer, Tea Drinker and a secondary mathematics teacher here in Chignecto Central Centre for Education in Nova Scotia. Maggie has joined us in our professional learning community book study on Building Thinking Classrooms in Mathematics last spring, and has had the opportunity to work alongside Lisa Lunney Borden as a teacher and a learner.
Maggie reflects on her teaching & learning mathematics journey, some of her notices and wonders as she navigates her way in this new year and dives into effective teaching practices that are impacting student achievement and well being. She talks about the importance of students seeing themselves as mathematical learners and effective teaching practices that she is implementing to help students learn mathematics through exploring & solving contextual problems and learning through rich tasks. She shares how she see's where students are at as they think and work through tasks and how this informs her next steps.
Maggie shares pieces of advice to teachers to help shift their practice to more equitable teaching practices that allow all students opportunities to engage successfully and learn challenging mathematics. We reflect on the challenges we face from being so steeped in a traditional colonized version of education and the importance of presuming competence in our students. We chat about our excitement of the upcoming NSMTA conference at the end of the month here in Nova Scotia and the NCTM conference that took place in Los Angeles and some of our Canadian math hero's involved
Nat Banting Twitter
Incorporating Financial Literacy in Grade 9
Where Do We Find Rich Tasks?
Task Choice Board (Nova Scotia Gnspes)
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
Video of world record on Twitter
NSMTA October Conference
Marie Batiste Video
Maggie MacPhee Twitter